Sunday, January 23, 2011

Celebrities Laughing

CLICK HERE to look at a lovely photo gallery of Celebrities Laughing!
CLICK HERE to look at a lovely photo gallery of Celebrities Laughing!
CLICK HERE to look at a lovely photo gallery of Celebrities Laughing!
CLICK HERE to look at a lovely photo gallery of Celebrities Laughing!
CLICK HERE to look at a lovely photo gallery of Celebrities [...]


The poor man. We're sure he's going through a rough time right now. Thank goodness word is his wife is on the mend.

Over the weekend, Diane Sawyer sat down with astronaut Capt. Mark Kelly, who is married to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. We're told the interview took place at the hospital where the congresswoman is still being cared for after surviving a fatal gun shot to the head in the Arizona shooting earlier this month.

Among the array of topics the duo cover, one question Diane asked the Captain is if he would be willing to speak to the parents of Jared Loughner, the man who shot his wife at close range. He replied:

"I'd probably see them. You know, I don't think it's their fault. It's not the parents fault. … I'd like to think I'm a person that's, you know, somewhat forgiving. And, I mean, they've got to be hurting in this situation as much as much as anybody."

The interview will air tomorrow night on a special 20/20. We're sure it will be hard to watch, but also, fairly inspiring. He and his wife have been so strong and deserve all the support we can spare.

You're both still in our thoughts, as are all the victims and their families of this senseless crime.

[Image via AP Images.]

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